
This allows using the Steam Networking Sockets API. It’s a protocol on top of UDP without the caveats of TCP (very slow) and optimized for the demands of video game traffic. Supports both reliable and unreliable traffic.

There are two ways to use it.

  • Classic Bind/connect to sockets and send/receive data over UDP. You are going to use IPs and ports as expected.
  • P2P using the the steam network. In this case, you are going to connect directly to other steam users. Valve will handle all verification/authentication/encryption/NAT-punching issues for you and carry the traffic through the steam network.


Function Reference

  • virtualPort (integer) – The virtual port to bind to. Use 0 if you don’t care about any particular port. Use values below 1000.
  • options (table) – Table with key value pairs to override default SteamNetworkingSockets options. See the config section at the bottom for possible values

(userdata) a socket object



Accept P2P connections through the Steam Network. If you want to change any networking settings, you need pass these options on creation. Implement the networkingSockets.onAuthenticationStatus() callback to be notified about connection events.


local socket = Steam.networkingSockets.createListenSocketP2P(0)
  • steamID (uint64) – The steamID of the remote host to connect to. Get it from Steam.user.getSteamID() or convert a string with Steam.extra.parseUint64().
  • virtualPort (integer) – The virtual port to connect to on the server.
  • options (table) – Table with key value pairs to override default SteamNetworkingSockets options. See the config section at the bottom for possible values

(int) a connection id



Accept P2P connections through the Steam Network. If you want to change any networking settings, you need pass these options on creation. Implement the networkingSockets.onAuthenticationStatus() callback to be notified about connection events.


local socket = Steam.networkingSockets.connectP2P(Steam.extra.parseUint64("someID"), 0)
  • localAdress (string) – The adress to bind to in string format. E.g. to bind to localhost on port 55556, use “[::]:55556”.
  • options (table) – Table with key value pairs to override default SteamNetworkingSockets options. See the config section at the bottom for possible values

(userdata) a socket object



Bind to an adress and accept connections as a “server”. If you want to change any networking settings, you need pass these options on creation. Implement the callback TODO to be notified about connection events.


local socket = Steam.networkingSockets.createListenSocketIP("[::]:55556")
  • localAdress (string) – The adress to connect to in string format. E.g. to bind to localhost on port 55556, use “”.
  • options (table) – Table with key value pairs to override default SteamNetworkingSockets options. See the config section at the bottom for possible values

(int) a connection id



Connect to a given adress as a “client”. If you want to change any networking settings, you need pass these options on creation. Implement the callback networkingSockets.onConnectionChanged() to be notified about connection events.


local connection = Steam.networkingSockets.connectByIPAddress("")
Parameters:connection (int) – The id of the connection to accept
Returns:(string) result with the possible values OK | InvalidParam | InvalidState

Accept a connection that was received via the callback networkingSockets.onConnectionChanged(). This will move the connection from the Connecting state to the Connected state.

Return values explanation

  • OK - The connection was accepted
  • InvalidParam - The connection id was invalid
  • InvalidState - The connection was not in the Connecting state


local result = Steam.networkingSockets.acceptConnection(connection)
  • connection (int) – The id of the connection to close
  • enableLinger (boolean) – If true, attempts to finish delivering any outbound messages. If you set it to true, you need to make sure that you keep calling the Steam callback long enough for this to actually happen.




Disconnects from the remote host and invalidates the connection handle. Any unread data on the connection is discarded.


Parameters:socket (userdata) – The socket object you received when opening a socket with networkingSockets.createListenSocketIP() or networkingSockets.connectByIPAddress()

Destroy the given listen socket. All the connections that were accepted on the listen socket are closed ungracefully. You should call this before closing your application for any sockets you created.


  • connection (int) – The id of the connection to send a message to
  • message (string) – The message to send. Can be any length (up to configured SendBufferSize), splitting will be handled by the library
  • flag (int) – A flag to specify how the message should be sent. See below for explanation

(string) result with the possible values OK | InvalidParam | InvalidState | NoConnection | Ignored | LimitExceeded



Send a string message to the specified connection. Delivery method depends on the flag you pass. See <> in the section Flags used for message sending for a detailed explanation

  • Steam.networkingSockets.flags.Send_Reliable - Message will be sent reliably (resend if necessary until acknowledged) and in order with other reliable messages
  • Steam.networkingSockets.flags.Send_ReliableNoNagle - Reliable without Nagle algorithm (don’t wait a short while for more messages before sending). As a rule of thumb, don’t use this unless you’re sure you know what you’re doing. Use networkingSockets.flushMessagesOnConnection() instead
  • Steam.networkingSockets.flags.Send_Unreliable - Message will be sent once only, might get lost on the way and arrive in any order
  • Steam.networkingSockets.flags.Send_UnreliableNoNagle - Unreliable without Nagle algorithm
  • Steam.networkingSockets.flags.Send_UnreliableNoDelay - Send unreliable and only if the message can be sent right now. If there is any delay in sending the message (bottleneck, network hiccup, …) this message will be dropped

Return values explanation

  • OK - The message was sent
  • InvalidParam - The connection id was invalid
  • InvalidState - The connection was not in the Connected state
  • NoConnection - The connection has ended
  • Ignored - The message was ignored because you used Send_UnreliableNoDelay and it wasn’t possible to send the message right now
  • LimitExceeded - The message was too large to send and or there are too many outgoing messages crowding the send buffer


local result = Steam.networkingSockets.sendMessageToConnection(connection, "Ping", Steam.networkingSockets.flags.Reliable)
  • n (int) – The number of messages you are going to send
  • messages (table) –

    A number indexed table with all messages you want to send. Indices from 1..n need to exist. Each message is a table with the following keys:

    • conn - The id of the connection to send a message to
    • msg - The message to send. Can be any length (up to configured SendBufferSize), splitting will be handled by the library
    • flag - A flag to specify how the message should be sent. See networkingSockets.sendMessageToConnection() for details

(table) Result table with true or false for each message, indexed 1..n, e.g. { 1 = true, 2 = false }



This is a more efficient way to send out messages. E.g. you could gather all messages generated in an update cycle and then send them out all in one go using this method instead of dispatching them individually with networkingSockets.sendMessageToConnection().


local messages = {}
messages[1] = { conn = connection1, msg = "Hello!", flag = Steam.networkingSockets.flags.Send_Reliable }
messages[2] = { conn = connection2, msg = "World", flag = Steam.networkingSockets.flags.Send_Reliable }
local result = Steam.networkingSockets.sendMessages(#messages, messages)
Parameters:connection (int) – The id of the connection to flush messages for
Returns:(string) The result. See the return value of networkingSockets.sendMessageToConnection() for a detailed description.

Flush out all messages left in the send buffer of the given connection and don’t wait for the nagle timer. You only ever want to do this at the end of your update cycle if you know that you are not going to send any more messages for a while. Calling this may improve or degrade your networking performance depending on your use case.


local result = Steam.networkingSockets.flushMessagesOnConnection()
Parameters:connection (int) – The id of the connection to receive messages from
Returns:(int, table) Returns two parameters
  • n - The number of messages received. -1 if the passed poll group id is invalid (the table is nil in this case).
  • messages - A 1..n index table of messages. Reliable messages are in order in relation to each other. Unreliable messages might be in any order inside the table

Receive all the messages that are waiting on the given connection up to 32. Call this repeatedly until n < 32

A result table might look like this: { 1 = "Some message", 2 = "Another message", 3 = "Yet another message" }

Iterate with ipairs to retain the order any reliable messages were received in.


local n, messages = Steam.networkingSockets.receiveMessagesOnConnection(connection)
Returns:(int) The possible values are same as data.status in networkingSockets.onAuthenticationStatus()

Indicate our desire to be ready participate in authenticated communications.


local result = Steam.networkingSockets.initAuthentication()
Returns:(int, string)

Get the curren status of authentication


local result, msg = Steam.networkingSockets.getAuthenticationStatus()
Parameters:connection (int) – The connection to get info about
Returns:(code, info)

Get basic information about the status of a connection.


local code, info = Steam.networkingSockets.getConnectionInfo(connection)
Returns:(int) id of the poll group

Create a new poll group. You can use this to receive messages from multiple connections at once. You need to delete this if you don’t need it anymore with networkingSockets.destroyPollGroup().


local pollGroup = Steam.networkingSockets.createPollGroup()
Parameters:pollGroup (int) – The poll group to destroy
Returns:(boolean) true if it was successful

Destroy a poll group. Do this before you shut down.


local success = Steam.networkingSockets.destroyPollGroup(pollGroup)
  • connection (int) – The connection to add to the poll group
  • pollGroup (int) – The poll group

(boolean) true if it was successful



Assign a connection to a poll group. After that you can poll this connections messages through the poll group with networkingSockets.receiveMessagesOnPollGroup().


local success = Steam.networkingSockets.setConnectionPollGroup(connection, pollGroup)
Parameters:pollGroup (int) – The poll group to receive messages from
Returns:(int, table) Returns two parameters
  • n - The number of messages received. -1 if the passed poll group id is invalid (the table is nil in this case).
  • messages - A 1..n index table of messages. Reliable messages are in order in relation to each other. Unreliable messages might be in any order inside the table. Each message is a table with a conn and a msg field.

This is the poll group equivalent to networkingSockets.receiveMessagesOnConnection(). The advantage of this version is that you can just get all messages to any connection assigned. If you expect larger number of connections, it’s much more efficient to create one or more poll groups and just poll the group instead of having to check messages for every connection individually.

Receive all the messages that are waiting on the given poll group up to 32. Call this repeatedly until n < 32

A result table might look like this: { 1 = { conn = 5235, msg = "A message" }, 2 = { conn = 5235, msg = "Another message" }, 3 = { conn = 5678, msg = "Yet another message" } }

Iterate with ipairs to retain the order any reliable messages were received in.


local n, messages = Steam.networkingSockets.receiveMessagesOnPollGroup(pollGroup)

Callbacks Reference


Remember callbacks are functions that you should override in order to receive the events, and not call directly.

Also, you must constantly call Steam.runCallbacks() (preferably in your game loop) in order for your callbacks to be called.

Parameters:data (table) –

Basic information about the steam authentication state

  • data.status (string) a unique id representing this connection
  • data.debugMsg (string) Detailed human readable information in case of problems

Posted whenever the authentication status with the Steam back-end changes. Possible values for data.status are

  • -102 (CannotTry): A dependent resource is missing, so this service is unavailable (e.g. we cannot talk to routers because Internet is down or we don’t have the network config).
  • -101 (Availability_Failed): We have tried for enough time that we would expect to have been successful by now. We have never been successful.
  • -100 (Availability_Previously): We tried and were successful at one time, but now it looks like we have a problem.
  • -10 (Retrying): We previously failed and are currently retrying.
  • 1 (NeverTried): We don’t know because we haven’t ever checked/tried.
  • 2 (Waiting): We’re waiting on a dependent resource to be acquired (e.g. we cannot obtain a cert until we are logged into Steam. We cannot measure latency to relays until we have the network config).
  • 3 (Attempting): We’re actively trying now, but are not yet successful.
  • 100 (Current): Resource is online/available.


function Steam.networkingSockets.onAuthenticationStatus(data)
    print ('Authentication status has changed', data.status, data.debugMsg)
Parameters:data (table) –

Basic information about the changing connection

  • data.connection (string) a unique id representing this connection
  • data.state (string) the state this connection is now in
  • data.state_old (int) the previous state this connection was in
  • data.endReason (int) end reason error code
  • data.debug (string) humand readable debug information string
Posted whenever the state of a connection changes. For example
  • a client attempts a new connection
  • a server receives a new connection
  • a connection is established successfully (client or server)
  • a connection is closed (client or server)
Possible values for data.state are:
  • None
  • Connecting
  • FindingRoute
  • Connected
  • ClosedByPeer
  • ProblemDetectedLocally


function Steam.networkingSockets.onConnectionChanged(data)
    print ('Connection changed', data.connection, data.state, data.state_old, data.endReason, data.debug)
Returns:(uint64) The SteamID of the current user/server or nil if not available (should only happen with a server that is not logged in yet).

Get the current identity. Will either return the SteamID or null. Useful mostly if you want to write code that works identically on server and client side.


local steamID = Steam.networkingSockets.getConnectionInfo(connection)

List of Config Options

The following network options can be passed as a table when initiating connections. Example:

{ Unencrypted = 2, IP_AllowWithoutAuth = 1, NagleTime = 0}

Be careful with the values and only change things if you know what you are doing. All values are integers.

  • TimeoutInitial: Timeout value (in ms) to use when first connecting

  • TimeoutConnected: Timeout value (in ms) to use after connection is established

  • SendBufferSize: Upper limit of buffered pending bytes to be sent, if this is reached SendMessage will return k_EResultLimitExceeded Default is 512k (524288 bytes)

  • SendRateMin: Minimum/maximum send rate clamp. Default is 0 (no-limit). This value will control the min/max allowed sending rate that bandwidth estimation is allowed to reach.

  • SendRateMax: See SendRateMin

  • NagleTime: Nagle time, in microseconds (how long to wait with send small packets to facilitate grouping). Default is 5000us (5ms)

  • IP_AllowWithoutAuth: Don’t automatically fail IP connections that don’t have strong auth.

    On clients, this means we will attempt the connection even if we don’t know our identity or can’t get a cert.

    On the server, it means that we won’t automatically reject a connection due to a failure to authenticate. (You can examine the incoming connection and decide whether to accept it.) This is a dev configuration value, and you should not let users modify it in production.

  • MTU_PacketSize: Do not send UDP packets with a payload of larger than N bytes. If you set this, k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_MTU_DataSize is automatically adjusted

  • Unencrypted: Allow unencrypted (and unauthenticated) communication.

    0: Not allowed (the default)

    1: Allowed, but prefer encrypted

    2: Allowed, and preferred

    3: Required. (Fail the connection if the peer requires encryption.)

    This is a dev configuration value, since its purpose is to disable encryption. You should not let users modify it in production. (But note that it requires the peer to also modify their value in order for encryption to be disabled.)

  • SymmetricConnect: Set this to 1 on outbound connections and listen sockets, to enable “symmetric connect mode”, which is useful in the following common peer-to-peer use case: The two peers are “equal” to each other. (Neither is clearly the “client” or “server”.)

    1. Either peer may initiate the connection, and indeed they may do this at the same time
    2. The peers only desire a single connection to each other, and if both peers initiate connections simultaneously, a protocol is needed for them to resolve the conflict, so that we end up with a single connection.
  • LocalVirtualPort: For connection types that use “virtual ports”, this can be used to assign a local virtual port The local port is only relevant for symmetric connections, when determining if two connections “match.” In this case, if you need the local and remote port to differ, you can set this value.


These examples should run with any version of lua >= 5.1 or Löve

Sockets Client:

local Steam = require 'luasteam'

local connection = nil


function Steam.networkingSockets.onConnectionChanged(data)
    print ('Connection changed', data.connection, data.state, data.state_old, data.endReason, data.debug)

function Steam.networkingSockets.onAuthenticationStatus(data)
    if data.status == 100 and not connection then
        connection = Steam.networkingSockets.connectByIPAddress("")

local run = true
local counter = 0
local msg_rec = false
while run do

    if connection then
        local n, messages = Steam.networkingSockets.receiveMessagesOnConnection(connection)

        if n > 0 then
            for j,m in ipairs(messages) do
                print("received message", j, m, "from connection", connection, type(j))
                Steam.networkingSockets.sendMessageToConnection(connection, "Hello server! This is the client! Thank you!", Steam.networkingSockets.flags.Send_Reliable)
                msg_rec = true

    if msg_rec then
        counter = counter + 1
        if counter > 10000 then -- you might have to increase this if the client shuts down faster than the message can be sent
            run = false

if connection then

Sockets Server:

local Steam = require 'luasteam'

local connections = {}
local server = nil



function Steam.networkingSockets.onConnectionChanged(data)
    print ('Connection changed', data.connection, data.state, data.state_old, data.endReason, data.debug)
    if data.state == "Connecting" then
    if  data.state == "Connected" then
        connections[data.connection] = true
        Steam.networkingSockets.sendMessageToConnection(data.connection, "Hello client! This is the server! Welcome!", Steam.networkingSockets.flags.Send_Reliable)
    if data.state == "ClosedByPeer" or data.state == "ProblemDetectedLocally" then
        print(data.connection, data.state, data.endReason, data.debug)
        connections[data.connection] = nil

function Steam.networkingSockets.onAuthenticationStatus(data)
    if data.status == 100 and not connection then
        server = Steam.networkingSockets.createListenSocketIP("[::]:55556")
        print("Listening on port 55556")

local run = true

while run do

    for conn,_ in pairs(connections) do
        local n, messages = Steam.networkingSockets.receiveMessagesOnConnection(conn)
        if n > 0 then
            for j,m in ipairs(messages) do
                print("received message", j, m, "from connection", conn, type(j))
                run = false

for conn,_ in pairs(connections) do