Getting started¶
To install luasteam, you can use one of our pre-compiled binaries in our releases page. Make sure you’re using the same version of this documentation as of the release you downloaded.
Download the correct binary for your platform and rename it to simply luasteam.ext
. For example, if you’re using Windows 32-bits, download win32_luasteam.dll
and rename it to luasteam.dll
Then copy this file to the same directory as your lua files, and make sure require 'luasteam'
On linux, you may need to use LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. love … when running your code. To make allow placing the binaries next to the love file on all OSs, you may need to use this hack.
You also need to copy the correct SteamWorks library to the same directory. This library is not on the luasteam repository, and must be downloaded through the SteamWorks website. This version of luasteam is guaranteed to work with SteamWorks SDK v1.58a, but probably works with future versions.
After you download the SDK, you should copy the corresponding library for your platform. Here is a cheat-sheet:
Linux 32:
Linux 64:
Windows 32:
Windows 64:
Basic Usage¶
luasteam tries to be very similar to the SteamWorks API, that way you don’t need to learn two different APIs. Big differences (other than lua/C++ differences) are documented.
Initialization and Shutdown¶
Using the usual SteamWorks API, your code will look like:
#include <steam_api.h>
// ...
// when game is closing
Doing this in luasteam should be as easy as:
local Steam = require 'luasteam'
-- ...
-- when game is closing
Check the overview for more info on initialization and shutdown. When developing your game, remember to have Steam turned on and use a steam_appid.txt
Server mode¶
If you want to use this library in a server context with no steam running in the background, see the ISteamGameServer
section for more info.
Normal functions¶
The lua bindings for normal functions are very similar to the C++ API, so for example
Callbacks work a little different, for example, the GameOverlayActivated_t
callback in ISteamUserFriends
can be used creating a function named onGameOverlayActivated
inside friends
Original code:
class Listener {
STEAM_CALLBACK(Listener, OnGameOverlayActivated, GameOverlayActivated_t);
void Listener::OnGameOverlayActivated(GameOverlayActivated_t* data) {
if (data->m_bActive)
printf("Steam overlay now active\n");
printf("Steam overlay now inactive\n");
Code using luasteam:
function Steam.friends.onGameOverlayActivated(data)
if then
print("Steam overlay now active")
print("Steam overlay now inactive")
Using CallResults is also slightly different. Instead of receiving a SteamAPICall_t
and registering to listen to it, you simply pass a function as the last argument to the function. This function receives two arguments: data
is the object returned by the CallResult and err
is a boolean indicating if there was an IO error.
Original code:
class Listener {
void FindTestLeaderboard(const char *name);
void OnLeaderboardFindResult(LeaderboardFindResult_t *data, bool err);
CCallResult<Listener, LeaderboardFindResult_t> leaderboardFindResult;
void Listener::OnLeaderboardFindResult(LeaderboardFindResult_t *data, bool err ) {
if (err || data->m_bLeaderboardFound == 0)
printf("Leaderboard not found!\n");
printf("Leaderboard found!\n");
// Make the request
void Listener::FindTestLeaderboard() {
SteamAPICall_t call = SteamUserStats()->FindLeaderboard("test");
leaderboardFindResult.Set(call, this, &Listener::OnLeaderboardFindResult);
Code in luasteam
Steam.userStats.findLeaderboard("test", function(data, err)
if err or not data.leaderboardFound then
print("Leaderboard not found!")
print("Leaderboard found!")
To use Callbacks and Call Results, you must constantly call Steam.runCallbacks()
, preferably in your game loop.
64-bit integers¶
Some identifiers in the SteamWorks API are 64-bit integers (for example, SteamID, Leaderboard Handle, etc.). In this documentation, these use uint64 types instead of number.
Since Lua 5.1 does not support integers, and doubles (the default number type) can’t hold a 64-bit integer with no error, we use userdata to keep such integers (even in Lua versions that support integers).
They can only be compared for equality or converted to strings (using the tostring function), since doing any math on them doesn’t make any sense. You can use extra.parseUint64()
to parse them from strings.
local original = Steam.user.getSteamID()
local str = tostring(original)
print("Your id is " .. str)
local id = Steam.extra.parseUint64(str)
-- equality works, even though they are different userdata instances
assert(id == original)